Ideas, inspiration, and creative tools to help you elevate your talent, lift your team, and float above the fray.

Summer:  The Season for Energizing

An effective leader thinks about their team first, then themselves. Your team is ready for a reprieve– a time to reflect, connect, and recharge. During these weeks where external business tends to let up, use this time to invest in your internal teams.

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Why Feedback Shouldn’t Look A Commencement Speech

Real learning- the kind that sticks with you- doesn’t happen in just one moment because of a single interaction or speech. Instead, we learn when the guidance is frequent, connected to a recent behavior or experience, and when there is an opportunity for honest dialogue.

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You bought your kid a what?

Building resilience doesn’t happen overnight; however, there are steps we can take every day to encourage resilient thinking and create an environment where challenges are more quickly seen as opportunities.

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SMART vs. PACT Goals

Happy New Year! Did you make your resolutions yet? There are many techniques to goal setting. Two common approaches are SMART goals and PACT goals.

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College Basketball and Me: A Love Story

What can we, in the non-profit sector, learn from the retirement of a beloved, long tenured basketball coach? The analogy may be a stretch, but I would argue that those of us committed to non-profits and those of us who love basketball share at least one thing – passion!

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